Scott is using FDLE as his political tool

When Florida Gov. Rick Scott spoke to FAMU Thursday night, he spoke of his desire to protect FAMU's "fine reputation". Yet, it is Scott and his law enforcement agency the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) that is causing damage with innuendo by strategically and intentionally releasing bits and pieces of information.

First, there were the FDLE allegations of uncovering "financial fraud", which news reports said were likely into band finances. Then when it appeared that there was nothing there the FDLE quickly released details of a mid-October arrest of a former FAMU Development Research School (DRS) student on possible child molestation charges on the DRS campus, an investigation initiated by the FAMU Police with the assistance of several law enforcement agencies.

If there wasn't a strategic move by Scott and his FDLE, to release this information, then what happened? This is what you call classic "Chinese water torture".

It kind of makes you wonder if the FDLE is even interested in conducting any kind of fair and impartial look into the death of Robert Champion, which they were supposed to be assisting in, or are they doing a carefully orchestrated witch hunt on FAMU.

It may be time for FAMUans to call on the U.S. Department of Justice to defend the university against the attacks from Rick Scott and his FDLE. Scott's actions appear to be politically, if not, racially motivated.

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