Ammons consoles students

FAMU President James H. Ammons addressed the student body regarding the death of Marching 100 drum major Robert D. Champion. The full text of his comments are below:

"I know that this is a very difficult time for members of the Marching "100." You have lost one of your leaders. I just want you to know that I feel your pain and our prayers go out to you and to Mr. Champion's family.

"This is a major loss for our student body, the Marching "100" and the University. Any time we lose a student in the prime of his or her life it is disheartening and painful. This year, we have lost two of our students, so this is not easy.

“I know that this loss is going to painful for the band, but I want you to know that the university is here to support you in any way we can. I want to stress that if any of you who are asked to provide information to the Orange County Sheriff's Office about what happened in relation to Mr. Champion's death, I want you to be cooperative.

“The university is providing counseling through the FAMU Counseling Center. Sometimes we need help to deal with grief and I'm asking you to use the counseling center and other services offered should this process become too painful.

"Mr. Champion's mother was contacted by FAMU officials and notified of his death. The Sheriff's Office has asked the university to refer all calls to them about information regarding the ongoing investigation. We are monitoring this incident very closely and we will try to make sure that we keep you up-to-date regarding any new developments."